Tickets & Boxing Events - Ultra White Collar Boxing


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Tickets & Boxing Events

Once you sign up to an Ultra Event, you receive 8 weeks of free training and get to take part in an incredible event – in return, we ask you to sell 10 tickets to your friends and family to the main event. This is for a couple of reasons, it makes an incredible atmosphere on the night to have people cheering you on, but also it is how we cover the cost of running the event.

For boxing events all across the UK professional boxers must sell their own tickets to be picked by promoters. When boxers are just starting out the requirement can be as many as 100+ tickets to be considered for the bill and could have to do this 4-5 times a year.

Ticket sales are becoming increasingly more important to fighters who want to make it in the world of pro boxing and it is all part of the experience. You won’t find many of the Top pro’s who didn’t start out through the ‘sell tickets to fight’ route, it’s the way that promoters work and how they can afford to put on the shows.

No one wants to arrive on the day, their entrance music starts, the MC announces your name and you start walking to the ring to an empty room with no one cheering. At Ultra Events the atmosphere is electric and that’s down to the hard work that our participants put in to get their friends and family to buy tickets to support them.

UWCB Barnsley 2017
Fantastic atmosphere at our Ultra White Collar Boxing show in Barnsley

Selling 10 tickets can feel like a daunting experience, but if you think about it it’s only a small number of people. The best way to approach it is to make sure you tell people you are taking part, friends, family, colleagues and use the tool that everyone has available to them – social media. We provide you with loads of materials and support to help you to sell tickets. These are proven methods to help you so make sure you make the most of them:

  • Post to your social media and tell people you are taking part – share the ticket link and ask people to put your name in the ‘who you are coming to watch’ box.
  • Put a poster up at work to tell colleagues you are taking part and ask your colleagues or boss if they’d like to attend.
  • Change your email signature at work (if allowed) to include that you are taking part, you can include the ticket URL in this too.
  • Regularly update social media throughout your training, post photos of your training and your weigh in to build excitement around your fight night.

Ultra is here to help, so speak to your local rep if you are struggling with ticket sales and we can give you some advice to help you. Nothing is impossible and if you’ve signed up you are already determined to take part – don’t let the ticket sales stop you from having an incredible experience!

Buy tickets to an Ultra Event from

24 thoughts on “Tickets & Boxing Events

  1. Hi, what is included in the VIP ticket? I understand there’s a table, is there food included in the price aswell?

  2. Hi, what do you get in the VIP Tickets? I can’t seem to find anything that tells me.

    1. Hi Taylor, VIP tickets receive wristbands to gain entry to the event. These are handed out to the participants a week or so before the event for them to give them to all of their spectators.

    1. Hi Lee,

      We ask all participants to commit to selling a minimum of 10 tickets as this is how we pay for all of the costs associated with running the amazing events. This includes costs for training and gym, event venue hire, security and safety staff, plus lot’s more.

    1. Hi Aston, no tickets are available on the day of our events. All tickets must be purchased beforehand.

    1. Hi,
      No, you don’t have to pay. You get 8 weeks of free training. We ask that you commit to selling just 10 tickets to your friends and family for your big night under the lights.

  3. Hi my partner purchased tickets online for an event last year which I am now fighting on 27th November instead of 23rd March last year. He can’t find the tickets on his email. What will it be under please. Thank you

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