Is Boxing Training COVID-19 Safe? - Ultra White Collar Boxing


Keeping fit and healthy

Is Boxing Training COVID-19 Safe?

UWCB have carried out a rigorous assessment with our clinical director; Andy Thomas (Cipher medical LTD) to make our training as safe as is practically possible.

We are aiming for training to commence from May 17th when Boris Johnson has stated that ‘Indoor adult sports’ will be allowed.

We will be taking the following steps to ensure training is as safe as possible:

Participants will be made aware of 3 main symptoms of COVID-19 via email and told to isolate and seek testing if they have them:

  • Regular temperature checks.
  • No loss of taste.
  • No persistent cough.

Before training starts

  • Gyms formal capacity figures will be calculated, and we will run at 50% of them.
  • Gyms will be as well ventilated as possible by opening windows and doors where possible.
  • Gyms to display relevant services pointing participants to mental health guidance if they require it.
  • Gyms will be regularly cleaned. particularly focusing on touchpoints.
  • Gyms to put up signage to restrict numbers in the toilet area, with numbers based on m2 calculation of 1 person per 4m2.
  • Handwashing soap to be provided by the gym at all sinks.
  • Groups will be separated into bubbles of 6 based on weight.

Before training, outside the gym

  • Masks to be worn until inside the gym to avoid large group meeting without masks.
  • If a participant has an exemption from wearing a mask it is THEIR RESPONSIBILITY to inform coaches or make it obvious with a lanyard.
  • Participants asked to stay in bubbles outside.

Entering the gym & training

  • Groups to enter the gym within their bubbles and maintain 1m social distancing from other bubbles whilst entering premises.
  • All participants to be temperature checked before entry to the gym.
  • All participants to be asked to arrive at training in their training kit so they do not need to visit the changing rooms.
  • Participants to stay in bubbles of 6 throughout the training.
  • Equipment sharing to be kept to an absolute minimum.
  • If essential equipment should only be shared within bubbles.