Health Benefits of Boxing - Ultra White Collar Boxing


Health Benefits of Boxing

Health Benefits of Boxing

Boxing training is difficult, but it is incredibly effective at improving fitness. Boxing has stood the test of time and is classed as one of the toughest sports in the world.

The Ultra White Collar Boxing (UWCB) model of 8 weeks of FREE training WORKS, you can become incredibly fit & get in great shape in just 8 weeks. It’s just long enough to get really fit but not so long that life gets in the way of the training.


You can become incredibly fit & get in great shape in just 8 weeks


UWCB events give incredible focus. People will say they want to get fit, in shape or give up a vice, but fall off track and quit after a few weeks. With UWCB you are committed, 8 weeks from the start you ARE stepping in a ring in front of 100’s of people for a boxing match. If that’s not motivation to stick at training for 8 weeks and get super fit we don’t know what is.

We provide 2 free sessions per week at UWCB, but we do advise people to train as much as possible.

The 8 week training can be a great time to give up smoking, drinking, refined sugars or any other vices you may engage in. It is genuinely an opportunity to change your life for the better, make you fitter and healthier.

Health benefits of boxing with UWCB

Why is boxing training so effective?

If you sign up with any PT or fitness class they will encourage you to do interval or HIIT training because it is super effective for fitness, fat loss and increasing strength and power. Whether this is using weights, body weight, a treadmill or any other method it is all interval training.

When boxing at the big event you will do 3 x 2 minute’s rounds. From the first to the last bell it will be 8 minutes so the training should prepare you for that. You don’t need to be using up hours of every day doing 15 mile runs to get fit.


You don’t need to be using up hours of every day doing 15 mile runs to get fit


Different interval lengths have varied beneficial effects and during your boxing training you will experience a variety of different types of interval training. Boxing training puts you through different length intervals for a reason; whilst it may seem obvious to do 2 minute intervals with one minute rests, in reality, you don’t do that during a bout, you may do 20 seconds flat out then move around at a slower pace for 10 seconds then work hard again for 30, it could literally be any intervals within that 8 minutes.

The training works because your body adapts to challenge and literally improves itself; imagine if every time you drove your car fast then parked it up it got a bit faster? Well, your body does that, push it hard and it will improve. Your body is absolutely amazing!!

Training hard during 8 weeks free training with UWCB

Improving fitness

Your body is incredible and is constantly working to improve itself.

To adapt it must be pushed, if you stay within what you think are your limits your body doesn’t need to improve, so you must work hard. There are lots of sayings like ‘Your body can do anything your mind tells it to’ or ‘Don’t stop when your mind tells you to, stop when your legs tell you to’. If you are new to exercise your mind will tell you its hard and the response to that is to stop. When doing burpees, for example, you may feel its hard and want to stop, but in reality, you don’t have to stop until your legs don’t work anymore, so keep going until you fall over; you will find this is a long time, certainly a long time past your legs hurting.


Over the 8 weeks you will get super fit


UWCB is all about pushing people beyond their comfort zone and helping them to do the amazing things they are capable of; the trainers will be on hand throughout the 8 weeks free training and push and motivate you.

One of the big benefits of boxing training is that the trainers will push you to your absolute limits, whatever they are because they want you to do well at your event, you will also be surrounded by others on the same journey as you who all want to do well.

Probably the single most important thing to remember in sessions is to work hard, if you want to get fitter you absolutely must work hard and push yourself.

Over the 8 weeks you will get super fit and hopefully keep training after the event, making a genuine positive change to your life.

8 weeks free boxing training with UWCB

Weight loss

Weight loss is actually simple, you need to create a calorie deficit (use more calories than you consume) and you will lose weight. The target is to lose fat rather than muscle. Fat loss is a controversial subject with everyone having their view. So, here’s what we think:

  • Being fit makes you more efficient at burning fat.
  • The fitter you are the longer and more regularly you can maintain higher work rates and thus burn more calories.
  • Following high intensity exercise you will continue to burn more calories than usual for a long period after the session has finished.
  • Body weight or any weight-bearing exercises will help you to retain muscle whilst losing fat.

Food is also key to weight loss and fat loss, we will talk about that in our next post.

Participants taking part in 8 weeks free training with UWCB

Psychological effects of training

If you regularly exercise you will feel better, you will sleep better and wake up better. Doing thing’s you didn’t think you could do in the gym will also carry over to other areas of your life and all of a sudden things you thought were impossible you have a go at and can do.


If you regularly exercise you will feel better, you will sleep better and wake up better


Being fit and healthy will make you proud and respect your own body which will obviously increase confidence and hopefully make you more content.

Sign up for UWCB and you will:

  • Feel better.
  • Feel an incredible sense of accomplishment.
  • Become incredibly fit & get in better shape.
  • Raise money for Cancer Research UK.
  • Increase your confidence levels.

Sign Up Today!

1 thought on “Health Benefits of Boxing

  1. Boxing is aing and want tn intersting game by which a person learns many things such as,discipline,hard work

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