DAN ARNOLD - UWCB PORTSMOUTH - Ultra White Collar Boxing



Even though I faced tough times with my mental health after leaving the military and losing a close friend to suicide, I found strength in getting healthier. Working in mental health services pushed me to take care of myself too.

Deciding to do a fitness challenge was a big step for me. It helped me focus on something positive, especially after my friend’s passing. I carried his memory with me as I trained. Being part of Ripple Suicide Prevention made me even more determined to help others.

I worked hard to get in shape, quit smoking, and feel better mentally. I also raised money for Ripple, which felt really good.

Surprisingly, I fell in love with boxing during the challenge. It gave me energy and made me feel alive. I wanted to keep going with it, thanks to the support from Basecamp.

As I got ready for the challenge, I knew it wasn’t just about winning. It was about growing as a person. Whether I did well or not, I knew I had already come a long way. I was ready to give it my all on the night, knowing that I’d gained so much from the experience.

Dan – Portsmouth