Bethan Vickers - UWCB LIVERPOOL - Ultra White Collar Boxing


Bethan Vickers – UWCB LIVERPOOL

‘During a challenging period in my life, I found myself grappling with mental health issues, often ending up in the hospital. I heard about how boxing could potentially help change my mindset and improve my wellbeing. So, I decided to give it a shot!

I chose to support Mind as my charity because, well, mental health is something close to my heart. It’s tough to reach out for help sometimes. But Mind does a fantastic job of spreading awareness and making it easier for people like me to seek support.

As I got into my boxing training, I started feeling better about myself. Sure, there were days when I felt like throwing in the towel, but the amazing people and coaches at the gym kept me going.

The lead-up to the event was a rollercoaster of emotions – excitement mixed with a few nerves, but honestly, I loved every bit of it. Training quickly became my favourite thing to do, and I still hit the gym regularly to box with my coaches.

You know, they say you must get a little uncomfortable to find your comfort zone. And with the support of everyone around me, I found a strength I didn’t even know I had.

This whole experience has been a game-changer for me, and I’m so grateful to everyone who helped me along the way – especially my coaches. I had an absolute blast, and if anyone’s looking for a pick-me-up, I’d highly recommend giving boxing a shot!’

Beth – Liverpool