UWCB Events Near Me - Ultra White Collar Boxing


Ultra White Collar Boxing

UWCB Events Near Me

What Is White Collar Boxing?

White Collar Boxing started in the late 1980’s in New York at Gleason’s Gym. Deriving its name from the fact that two white collar workers (business professionals), a doctor and an attorney had their first bout and then when out for dinner to celebrate. Becoming popular with Wall Street bankers has made this the fastest growing contact sport. Due to this success, there has been a huge rise in other financial hot spots such as London, Singapore and Hong Kong.

Can anyone participate in White Collar Boxing?

Ultra White Collar Boxing (UWCB), founded in 2009, has made white collar boxing accessible to anyone 18 years old and above, men and women alike. All participants receive eight weeks of free boxing training (worth £300) enabling them to get into the best possible shape, learn necessary skills and meet like-minded novices.

Where can I take part in White Collar Boxing?

UWCB is located throughout the UK, not only in the biggest cities such as London, Manchester and Birmingham but as far North as Inverness right down to Plymouth with over a hundred places in between! They also cover Wales and Ireland, check out our Locations page to find your closest competing city.

Are there UWCB events near me?

You can find a list of all our events across the country on our UWCB locations page.

Male or female, you will receive your training at a local boxing gym with a professional boxing coach. This will get you extremely fit and teach you the techniques you will need for your fight. At the end of the eight weeks you will be fairly matched based on weight, fitness, ability & age with an opponent from your group to ensure a fair, competitive bout. There is no upper age limit for UWCB, our oldest competitor to date is 76 years old and he won his match.

How much does it cost for White Collar Boxing?

The training itself is free and equipment for the match will be provided. UWCB ask all participants to raise at least £50 for charity and sell tickets for their fight. There are starter kits available to purchase through the shop on the website, starting from £40 as well as Ultra Protein, to help with nutrition, starting from £22.

What are the benefits of White Collar Boxing?

Boxing training is tough but highly effective form of exercise. Not only will you be working out to help with physical fitness, but the discipline involved with boxing training helps with mental health also. It will have a positive impact in other areas of your life such as sleep, confidence and weight loss. A huge part of Ultra White Collar Boxing and a further benefit includes raising money for charity. UWCB has raised over £29million for charity to date.